The Adventures Of Our Family!

Welcome to the fun happenings of our daily life!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Girls Night Out!

A few nights ago some of my girlfriends and I went out for some dinner and drinks.

Here are 2 of my good friends, Sunny and Keri...
yumm...getting the party started!
Keri and Lisa...

Here I am with Beth reliving our "Spectacular Spectacular" days...

My friend Sharon was there that night celebrating her son, Brill's, 4th birthday and she shared his yummy birthday cake with us...


And Lisa...

Sunny and Keri showing off dessert!

Lisa and I and i am showing off my yummy "friendship bread".
We need a girls night out once a month.


Monday, May 26, 2008

The Busiest Day...

Yesterday was the craziest day... I had to get up early after being at church late the night before to sell the donuts we made. Check them out- we did a great job!

Then I went to Claire's graduation party (a crawfish broil)

Check out the crawfish... THEN, i had to go back to church for the baptism of my friend's son, Patrick. isn't he a cutie...

THEN, Noah had a birthday party at Jump Zone to go to. One of the boys in his class, Benji, turned 3! here's a picture of all the kids at the party...

Here's Noah and Benji - the birthday boy!

Noah is giving a thumbs up for a great party!

It's not over yet...THEN we went to a celebration reception for father Kevin Peek who is leaving for the army. i didn't take any pitures of the reception but did manage to get this one of me and Auntie Lisa who was there.

And LAST, we went to a graduation party after the reception but my camera didn't make it out of the car for that one...It needed a break!
It was a fun day but exhausting one!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Can't get enough of this great weather...

Since the weather is so great, we decided to head to the park. First we went by Nonna's house since our washing machine is broken and drop off some clothes. Then, we picked up Uncle Bubba and headed to the park...

Noah would stay in the swing all day if we let him...
Uncle Bubba fell asleep (okay not really)
Barrett and Allen...

Barrett crossed the very odd monkey bar thingy...

Can you tell Noah LOVES for people to "Get Him"...

Noah is climbing up he rope...

After the park, we headed to Chick-Fil-A for some lunch. Aimee joined us there and weirdos Barrett and Aimee love to be silly for the camera...


It is pretty easy to see why Noah loves them so much (as do we)

Allen had to give Noah a little boost in the play area...

The Grill

We decided to try out our new grill last night with some yummy steaks. Noah is helping dad by entertaining him with bubbles... Here we are showing off the bubble makers...
check out the huge bubbles...

We love this great weather!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wet and Wild days

Today was Noah's last day of school until the fall. They had "Wet and Wild" Days outside which basically means they got to play in pools for "playground time". Here are tons of pictures from the day.

It was really cute cause they had 4 pools filled with water toys and paint brushes and stuff. The parents got to come and help out so i took a bunch of pictures. Here is Noah getting his feet wet...the water was frezing but the kids didn't seem to mind.
Noah and his buddy Miles...
what a cheeseball!

Noah and Madeline swimming away...madeline is the only girl in a class of 7 boys...she is one tough cookie!

They kept hopping from pool to pool...

Here are all the moms...

Noah was turning purple at this point, haha..

Abs of Steel or what?

After all the kids were purple we helped get them out of the water and got to have snack with them. Here is Noah drying off in the sun...

Like Mother, Like Son...Noah was sunbathing...

And then he tried to steal Ryan's snack...

It was a really fun day and I am glad I got to be a part of it with Noah...

Those teachers are amazing!! Here they are trying to round up the 2 year olds...

Time to go back inside until it is time to go home....

I can't believe another school year has come and gone and my baby will be in the 3 year old class next year!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Zoo Rerun

Noah and I decided to take another trip to the zoo since we still had Bernice's passes. Only this time, I was not going without the stroller. Last time, Noah pooped out and wanted me to carry him when he got tired and when I said "No", Wailing and Nashing of Teeth followed. Anyway, as you can see below, Noah was our trusty tour guide for the day guiding us with the zoo map. This was some kind of bird...It made a really loud sound...
The Kangaroo came right up to the fence but i couldn't get my camera out fast enough.

Can you see the Giant Turtle in the background?

(and no I am not squeezing my child's arm, he was sitting on a skinny rail and I was trying to hold him and take the picture at the same time)

Check out how close we were to the tiger...

Noah loved watching the elephant eat...

We rode the merry-go-round and Noah picked What i think is supposed to be an ostrich

The Panda Bear was SO cute. He was going crazy rolling around and eating. It was so much fun to watch...

Noah was very excited about riding the train (it was my bribe for him staying in the stroller)

Our first time around on the train...

This was our 5th or so ride...We got the very back! it was so much fun!!

and riding again...yes, we rode it about 8 times...

haha, we rode by the pigs and this pretty much sums it up...

We stopped by the playgroun on the way out and of course Noah went straight to the Bongo's. Daddy would have been proud because he was actually very good!

It was a great playground...

And a rock wall too!!

What a great day!