The Adventures Of Our Family!

Welcome to the fun happenings of our daily life!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Banned from Steinmart

I am pretty sure that if you ever visit the Steinmart in Alpharetta, there will be a huge picture of myself, Noah, and my mom with a sign that says "These 3 are NOT allowed back"...okay maybe I am over reacting but you be the judge when you find out what happened...

We decided to just run into Steinmart to try on some dresses and Noah was with us. It was right in the middle of nap time so we knew our time was limited but had no idea it had already run out. We let Noah out the cart and he was running around the store wreaking havoc to all the other shoppers. Well, Noah walked by one of those metal clothes racks and pulled at the dress hanging on the end (Now, in Noah's defense there were WAY too many dresses stacked on the rack). he gave the dress a little "Yank" and my mom and I stood in horror as it seemed like slow motion as we watched the clothes rack lean and fall, hitting the rack next to it causing that one to fall into the one next to it and watching that rack fall on the table display of clothes and mannequins. I was in total shock that I didn't even realize that Noah was under all of these fallen racks. He was fine, but when we got him out from under them, the look on his face was like "uh oh, I am in trouble".

My mom and I started picking everything up and Noah was helping as much as he could but he got a little bored with that and picked up a glass decorative ball and wanted to see if it would bounce so he gave it a didn't shattered! For the first time since I have been a mother I was genuinely embarrassed. If it wasn't for the fact that we bought 2 dresses and a sweater, I am pretty sure Steinmart would have kicked us out.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter 2008

Easter morning Noah crawled into our bed to watch some morning cartoons before going downstairs. His new thing is to pretend to sleep whenever I call his name. So When I asked him to smile for the picture this is what i got...

the funny thing is that he pretends to snore too and it really is the cutest sound.

Noah and Allen are brushing their teeth before heading downstairs.
The Easter Bunny...Oh wait, It's Noah
We went to Nonna's house after mass and Easter Bunnies Barrett and Aimee hid eggs in Nonna's yard.
oops, i uploding this picture twice
here are the Easter Bunnies...
Allen and I while watching Noah find the eggs, we wanted to make sure Noah got them all cause there was money in some of them...gotta love the easter Bunny.
I love this of the eggs rolled under the car.
he found all 30!
Here is Noah showing off his basket of eggs.
He LOVES Aimee and they made a candy train together
Here is Allen, the Easter Fish
what a bunch of weirdo's
Aimee and I before dinner. Happy Easter everyone...He is Risen!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Holy Saturday

Saturday, Allen, Noah and I took advantage of the great weather and went to the park.

Here is an action shot of Noah coming down the slide.

I decided to brave the small tunnel slide and go down with Noah

Here is Noah playing the Chimes
Allen is pushing Noah on the swing
And we had fun kicking around the soccer ball.

Holy Week

Here are a few pictures of Holy Week. Noah discovered Playhouse Disney on the computer and enjoys playing the games. He is actually very good with a computer and mouse.
I guess we have a theme going. Noah likes to put Fast Food bags on his head. Maybe it is a sign we eat too much fast food..hehe

Noah is just chilling on my bed waiting for Daddy to get home

ahhh, Noah is chilling with his daddy watching some cartoons.

Monday, March 17, 2008

St Patrick's Party

I helped serve at a St Patrick's Day Party for the priests the night the tornado's came through downtown, Atlanta. Here was some of the help... serious...hehe
it got a little crazy...

Lazy Day

have you ever seen someone with such a hard life??

An afternoon snack

What Noah likes for a snack...he would eat the whole box if i let him.

Chick-fil-a lunch

The other day Allen and I picked up some lunch and brought it home. As i was in the kitchen getting my food together, i turned around and saw this...

hahaha. I just had to laugh.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Jump Zone fun

Noah and I LOVE to have play dates with our friends the Colletta's. Below are a few pictures of the fun time we had at Jump Zone.

Here is "Miss Shawin" as Noah calls her.

Here is Madison...Noah LOVES her. And Maddie is a great sport letting Noah chase her and follow her around.

Maddie did a great job taking a picture of Noah and I.
Here is the clan on top of the Pinball inflatable.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

I might be bias but I think this is so cute!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Have your purse, Mom?

Today Noah and I had a great day...We met up with some great friends of ours, The Colletta's. We went to Jump Zone and played for hours jumping and climbing on the inflatables (Pictures to come soon). I ended up hurting my neck and back but it doesn't take any of the fun away that we had today. Anyway, getting to what I wanted to write about... We loaded up the car, packed a lunch, and headed out the door. For the third day in a row Noah has asked me a very simple question but very we start to leave out neighborhood, Noah says to me "Mom, have your purse?"...I answer "yes", he says "Mom, Have your phone?"...i answer "Yes Noah, thanks for the reminder". Now for most of you that probably sounds silly but to me it was HUGE. I am always the one having to make sure Noah remembers his stuff..."Noah do you have your juice, Noah, grab your coat, Noah don't forget your bear"...but for the last 3 days Noah has been looking out for his mom. The funny thing is that it came out of no where. I didn't forget my purse or phone to prompt him to ask...he asked all on his own. Now, if he can only remember his juice, coat, and bear, we will be set!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Noah the Sea Monster

That is one scary face...huh


I think this speaks for itself...haha...

Old fun

Noah and I went to our storage unit yesterday to get out all of his baby clothes so we could let our friends, Cassi and Eric, use them for Micah. While we were there, Noah saw a green dinosaur he used to play with when he was a baby and he wanted to bring it home. So far he has been playing with it non stop...we'll see how long that lasts. I guess when he is done with it I can pass it over to Micah and Maggie to play with.

Chick-Fil-A Lunch

Noah and I had lunch with Cassi today at Chick-Fil-A. Here are a few pictures.

here's Noah and his buddy Cassi.

Everytime Cassi said "Smile", Noah would take a drink...crazy kid!

This was our funny faces...
Here is Noah in the Play section...whoever started play areas in restaurants is my hero!

Half Naked

yes, this is what Noah would wear all day if we let him.


I love this picture...Noah is showing off his new Diego shirt. We watch a LOT of Dora and Diego these days!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sleepy Head

A few pictures in the morning...Noah is wearing his "Murphy Pajamas". He calls them Murphy PJ's because he misses his Great Aunt Nancy's dog, Murphy.

he wouldn't smile for me because he is watching Diego on tv...


Sometimes when we are all out of new things to play, Noah and I make forts. This one is not nearly one of my bests (we sometimes have them that fill the whole room) but it served its purpose by keeping Noah entertained while I got a shower.


Noah likes to help me he is cooking some pretzels...yum.