The Adventures Of Our Family!

Welcome to the fun happenings of our daily life!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Thankful Heart...

There are many things to be thankful for today. Today is the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade which marks the date when abortion was legalized. I am thankful for life! Thanks mom for giving me life!! I am also VERY thankful for Allen's life. Allen was adopted and although we don't know the circumstance, his birth mom chose life! His birth mom didn't just choose life for Allen but for Noah, Noah's kids, their kids, so on and so on. Thanks Allen's birth mom!

I am also thankful for Aimee. Unfortunatly she is going through a very rough time right now. I am thankful that she is getting the help she needs so she can return to us safe and healthy!

I am thankful for my family and extended family. They are always there for me when i need support and are always so willing to help with Noah! Thanks family!! (this includes godparents too!!)

I have amazing friends to be thankful for too! Some near and some far. I miss all the ones that live far away... BUT I very much enjoy our phone conversations and facebook chats!

I am very thankful that next week I am going to Michigan to spend a few days with my 93 year old amazing Grandmother!!

There are so many other things in my life that I am thankful for too but these were on my heart this morning!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Christmas in January!!

Noah and I went to Auntie Lisa's today to celebrate Christmas! Noah got some great loot but more importantly it was so great to spend time with Auntie Lisa!!!

Crabapple tavern

Dad and Di took Noah and I out to dinner the other night and we had a great time...

A Full Tummy...

Last night we had dinner at my moms house and Noah chowed down on his broccoli... Barrett and I...
yummy muffins...

Nonna and Noah...

Allen and I...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

More Cold day fun

We went to the mall the other night and Noah loves to play on the little playground there...he is such a climber...

Baby, it's cold outside

Good ol HOTlanta hit some pretty cold weather this past week with highs in the 30's. I know, some of you who read this from the North are thinking "what whimps". Well, yes, we are whimps!! And because we are whimps, we chose another playdate at Monkey Joes with our friends. It really is a win-win situation...the kids play together on these really fun inflatables and get all their energy out, the moms hang out together and catch up on "adult" stuff...and by the end of the day everyone takes a really good nap...i mean everyone!!

Here's Noah making his way to the top of one of the slides... and down he goes...
Noah and Ella having a snack ...

Madeline, Noah, and Ella....Best Buds!!!

Fun Times...

Barrett and Nonna came over for dinner the other night and Noah challenged Barrett to some racing...

I don't know why i find these pictures so funny but i came into the room thinking i would find Allen and Noah reading a bedtime book but they were deep in a mission trying to find something that fell behind the bed.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Little Batman

Today when we got home from school, Noah went upstairs to play video games so I could get some work done downstairs. He came down a few minutes later because he said the game wasn't working. I went upstairs, worked my magic and within seconds it was back on. Noah asked me what was wrong with it and I told him that sometimes moms have a magic touch. He told me that when he is a mom he will have a magic touch too. I explained to him that only girls can be moms and that one day he might be a dad. Then i asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. I told him he could be anything he wanted like a police man, fireman, pilot...and he thought about it for a minute and said "Um, Mom, when i grow up I think I will be batman". so there you have it...i am raising the next batman.

Ode to Barrett

Today at work, I had TONS of emails to get done so I plugged in my ipod and put it on random. If you could see the songs on my ipod you would truly understand the meaning of RANDOM. I have everything from U2 to the Wiggles on there. Anyway, I was sitting at my desk, typing away when a song came on that made me laugh out loud. It was the Brittany Spears song "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman". I feel i should tell you that this is the only Brittany Spears song on my ipod. so why did i laugh? well i will tell you...

About 4 years ago I had just taken over the youth minister job at St Andrew's, Allen just started at St Thomas, and Barrett was the youth minister at St Peter Chanel. I was super pregnant with Noah and we decided to do a joint ski trip with our teens that year. There was one afternoon around lunch when it started raining or something because everyone was coming in off the slopes and gathering in this lounge room where there was Karaoke happening, people playing cards, LOTS of hot chocolate was being had, and the room was getting fuller and fuller very quickly. All of a sudden I heard this singing from the karaoke stage and I think to myself (and maybe even said out loud) "Who is that girl singing Brittany Spears?" I turned around and saw it was Barrett!! Now Barrett was not just singing but BELTING it out. It was awesome and hilarious at the same time. Can you imagine just for a second this tall, handsome man singing "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman"? Needless to say, it left us laughing until tears were streaming down our face. It is one of my favorite memories because it just goes to tell what confidence my brother has. It shows how he doesn't take himself too seriously and can have (and make) fun in any situation.

Thanks to Barrett, when I hear that song I am reminded of what a great brother I have!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

100 things about me...

Some of my friends have recently posted 100 things about themselves for their 100th post. Well since my 100th post was a while ago, i thought i would jump on the bandwagon anyway...

1. My middle name is Norrine, and it is my grandmothers first name. I am honored to be named after her.

2. I LOVE country music!

3. In my freshman high school health class we were asked to fill out a survey about ourselves and on the favorite music line, I wrote: "anything but country"

4. I am scared of E.T

5. I used to be quite the stalker. Seriously.

6. My freshman year of college I spent more time at the zoo than in class.

7. I have been skydiving and I loved it!

8. I have never done drugs.

9. I LOVE being a practicing Catholic.

10. Organization is not my strongest trait.

11. I love naps.

12. I just became friends with a girl on facebook that made my middle school years an absolute hell.

13. My first crush was in the 3rd grade and his name was Tim Baier.

14. My favorite movie is "It's a Wonderful Life". I watch it all year round and can quote every line from the movie. Just ask my family.

15. My 2nd favorite movie is "That Thing You Do". And I am proud to admit that Noah knows the words to the theme song from the movie AND can play it on his drums.

16. The first play I ever read was "Our Town". My mom used to read it to me when I was little and I fell in love with it.

17. I don't have the desire to audition for any more plays in my life unless I was auditioning for the role of Emily in "Our Town".

18. on April 27, 2008, My dad and I rode a roller coaster together for the first time. It was awesome!

19. I LOVE making pancakes.

20. I wish my parents never sold the house I grew up in on Windsong Court. I actually still have dreams about that house.

21. One of my favorite memories of my childhood was playing night games in my cul-de-sac with all of my neighbors.

22. I secretly hope our fish dies very soon so we can get rid of the fish tank. (okay, so it is not so secret)
23. Saint Therese , The Little Flower, is my favorite saint!

24. I can still recite the preamble (We The People of the United States of America...) which I had to learn in the 4th grade.

25. Besides my family, my favorite (not biggest) accomplishment was winning the 8th grade oratorical contest. My topic was Disney. But My favorite speech was the 7th grade one on Mickey Mouse!

26.I am married to a Sigma Chi.

27. I always vote pro life. It is the most important stance one can make.

28. I was never a fan of New Kids on the Block

29. I have suffered from thyroid cancer for half of my life. Yet I haven't nearly suffered as much as some.

30. I thank God that I didn't marry someone who is sits and watches football all day on Saturday. I think I would go insane if I did.

31. I am addicted to the tv show LOST!

32. I hate math. I just don't get it.

33. I love listening to Delilah on the radio.

34. I miss my Grandma Theresa very much.

35. I would love to go to the Olympics sometime. Winter or Summer. To watch...not participate.

36. I used to play tennis and would love to get back into the game.

37. My weakness is purses.

38. I want new bedroom furniture.

39. I love to go camping and wish I did it more often.

40. My favorite book when I was little was "Pickle Things". I knew all the words to the book before I could read. Now i read it to Noah and he knows all the words too!

41. I can't watch "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" and not cry.

42. I love my mom's cakes.

43. Growing up, I used to get migraine headaches and I missed a lot of school because of them.

44. I am always on time and hate being late for things.

45. I have always wanted to open up my own card store.

46. I LOVE watching Noah have fun.

47. Sweet tea is my drink of choice.

48. I used to be addicted to Diet coke but gave it up!

49. I LOVE "girls night out" with my friends.

50. I was born in St. Louis, MO and lived there until I was 3.

51. I have been to 3 World Youth Day's (Denver, CO; Rome, Italy; and Toronto, Canada)

52. I could spend hours walking around Target.

53. I am a bargain shopper!

54. Red is my favorite color!

55. My mom used to put notes in my lunch bag when i was in highschool and although I would roll my eyes about it in front of my friends...i LOVED it!!

56. I can't believe I turned 30! I used to think 30 was so old. But I think 30 is the new 20!

57. I love the tv show "The Office"

58. I don't like coffee.

59. Over my fireplace is a professional picture of my family and none of us are smiling. We did it on purpose and everyone makes some comment about it when they see it.

60. I will never be too old for a bubble bath!

61. I have had my heart broken twice and the last time, it took me years to get over it.

62. My favorite season is Fall.

63. I used to curl my brothers hair (of course he was 3 years old)

64. I like to sleep on my stomach.

65. I have no problem eating in a restaurant by myself or going to a movie by myself. I have done both.

66. I could sit by a fire for hours.

67. I don't like to sleep with a fan on.

68. In college, my friends and I would go to IHOP every Saturday night at 3am and order hot chocolate with lots of whip cream. They had it waiting for us when we got there.

69. I want a minivan.

70. Christmas is my favorite time of year.

71. I used to be a clown in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade in Atlanta every year.

72. My baptismal godparents and my confirmation godparents brought up the gifts in my wedding.

73. When i get sick I crave tortillas (just ask Jo Ann)

74. I HATE needles...especially when they are meant for me.

75. I have been radioactive 5 times with such a high dose that I had to be locked in a hospital room until i peed it out. Everything was surrounded in saran wrap and i still hate the smell of saran wrap because of it.

76. I get very scared when driving over a bridge with water under it.

77. I was told i might never have children when i was 16 years old .

78. The day my mom had a baby shower when she was pregnant with me was the day Pope John Paul II was elected Pope. The day i had a baby shower when i was pregnant with Noah was the day Pope John Paul II died.

79. Noah's godmother is one of my very best friends and I wish I saw her more!!

80. I own lots of puffy vests!

81. If i could meet any celebrity it would be Ty Pennington from Extreme Makeover

82. I love going to the pool.

83. my first job was at Blockbuster.

84. i wish i planned my meals more advanced than hours before dinner.

85. i love cereal.

86. i get a kick out of watching tv shows where an actress is pregnant and they find ways to hide it because the character is not.

87. i like seeing movies in the theater but always get uncomfortable in those seats about 40 minutes into a movie.

88. i do NOT like to paint but love the finish product!

89. There is a crucifix in every room of my house.

90. i really want to sell my house.

91. The best concert I have ever been to was Third Day. A Close second was Tim McGraw.

92. i buy a lottery ticket about once every 2 months.

93. I have always wanted to visit Paris.

94. I once won a Care Bear for sharing Easter eggs.

95. I LOVE Disney movies...especially the older ones.

96. My favorite band is Five Way Friday. They were a small band out of Columbia, SC and I would go and see them all the time when I was in school at USC. I still love them!!

97. I love suspensful movies and tv shows (Like 24, Lost, The Dark Knight...)

98. Sunflowers used to be my favorite flower (and I still love them) but roses are my new favorite.

99. I love taking Noah to Monkey Joe's and Jump Zone. I have just as much fun as he does there.

100. I love lighting candles around my house!!

don't you feel like you know me so much better now????

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Rainy Day Race...

Noah and Allen had some intense races the other night...I think Noah won!!

Thanks Nancy!!

Thanks Nancy for my beautiful jewelery ....I wore it to a party last night!!

Friday, January 9, 2009


I am just curious who even reads my blog so if you do post a message will ya??

Just Because

and for those of you who are tired of looking at random things around my's a picture of Noah playing PS2.

More projects...

here's Noah's new bedroom set. I had originally picked something else out but it wasn't going to be available until March and my mom and Aunt Nancy saw this. I LOVE it!! It looks perfect in his room.

Here's something we got from Pottery Barn Kids with the gift certificate from Noah's Granny and Papa in Florida. If you haven't guessed yet, Noah's new "big boy" room is sports themed.

Among the list of things to paint is my room. Here's a quick look at the new comforter Allen and I got (well really me).

Our house will look like a new place when we finish all our (ok...MY) projects!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Half finished project

here's a few shots of ONE of my half finished projects. what should have been a half of a days project is now on day 3.

i know, i should be in there painting instead of posting pictures. ugh.

A Steal of a deal...

check out my new treadmill. I found it on craigslist (you are right Kate, I am addicted).

Its not the best one ever but it works great, fold up, and I don't have to leave the house (okay, the tv) to work out!!

more space

I have been in a "lets clean out everything in our house and get rid of what we don't need and organize everything we do need" kind of mood. What that really translates into is thinking I am going to clean out each by room...BUT i get so bored so quickly that I start one project, move to another before the other one is completed and so on and so on and before you know it, I have a house full of messes!! BUT Noah's room (which was number one on the list after Christmas) is in full swing! He moved out of his toddler bed and into a full size bed (picture coming soon) and we did a clean out of his closet. We realized we don't ever hang up his clothes and we needed more storage space for his toys so we headed to Home Depot and Allen did a GREAT job making shelves...

Out with the with the "new"

Last night I found a GREAT deal on some couches on craigslist. Thank goodness our friend Josh came over and helped us move our big ugly couch out and move our "new" ones in. Then he stayed for dinner... a look at the new ones....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Monkey Joe Playdate

Today Noah and I met up with some friends at ours at Monkey Joe's. It was a great day for it because it was raining when we woke up.

Here's patrick just chilling in his seat watching everyone.

Noah and Aiden ...

baby Alice came to play too...


snack time...

Madeline and her adorable smile...

Here's Madeline and Ella (this picture cracks me up because I don't think I have ever seen Ella NOT smiling and i caught her with a frown)

Kate, Bonnie, and Patrick...

Aiden and Noah playing games...

Madeline and Noah having a snack before we left...

We had a great time and can't wait to go back with our friends!!