The Adventures Of Our Family!

Welcome to the fun happenings of our daily life!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Keith

Beth and I have been friends for half of our lives...crazy!! We met the first day of high school because we were placed in alphabetical order. Beth wrote me a note a few days later with her phone number on it asking if i would like to hang out with her sometime (I actually still have that note!). Anyway, the rest is history...we have been friends ever since.

Today was Beth's son, Keith's, 3rd birthday and we were able to celebrate with him...

Beth and I... Beth and I with our 3 year olds...

Beth and the birthday boy!

Noah was helping Keith open presents...

Happy Birthday Keith!

A Goofy Duo...

James came over for breakfast this morning and Noah wouldn't stop jumping all over poor James from the second he walked in the door. Thank goodness James is so great with Noah!!


Santa stopped by the Austin house early and left one of his reindeer here...
shhh...don't tell on us...we are keeping him!

Wednesday Night Dinner...

Barrett and Aimee came over for dinner Wednesday night and we went a little picture crazy...hehe...

The Georgia Aquarium

Last week Allen, Noah, and I went to the Aquarium and had a great time. Noah loved all the fish...

Allen and Noah loved all the colors and tropical fish...

Me and my little man...

check out this awesome shark above us...

Noah was checking to see if he could find nemo...

He found the seahorses...

And LOVED the moving walkway so he could watch the whale sharks...

check out the size of the stingray...

you can see the turtle behind Noah...

Noah loved the big stuffed Nemo knock off and kept calling him whenever we passed him...

Noah and the otter...

Check out the awesome turtle...

and the amazing alligator swimming right next to Noah. Just a piece of glass between cool is that?

We got to pet some shrimp and stuff...

And Noah climbed on the kids play fort...

And wanted to slide down the whale slide...

And crawl through the tunnel...

He did this many times...

My little goofball...

I went down the slide too...

whew, we needed a snack after all that fish watching...

We had a great day!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Wiggles

Noah and I had a very special treat the other day...the Wiggles!! They were here in Atlanta and thanks to Nonna (my mom), Noah and I had a great time...
Our seats were on the floor so we had a great view and Noah loved dancing in the aisle...

chek out the awesome scene and the "Wiggly dancers"

Thanks Nonna!! We had a blast!!

A Belated Welcome...

oops...I was just going through my saved posts and realized that this post I made a while back went into my saved stuff and not into the published stuff...sorry Jess and Matt...i thought I posted this a month ago...

Dominic Matthew Feeney

born october 22nd, 2008 at 5:59 a.m.
6 pounds, 10 ounces and 19 1/4 inches

Matt and Jess had the most beautiful baby boy and I wanted to share this picture of the beautiful new family!! I can't wait to meet Little Dominic! We love you Feeney Family!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy 93rd Birthday Grandma "E"

Today my grandma turns 93! This is a picture of her and Noah the last time I saw her (man it has been way too long). Noah and I are going back to visit her in January and we can't wait!! She is an amazing woman!! Happy Birthday Grandma "E". We Love You!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Gas Pedal...

the following is a true conversation between Noah and I on the way home from my moms last night...

Act 1:

It is WAY past bedtime and we are driving home after celebrating Aimee's birthday. Noah wants the light on in the car and I keep telling him "no" because I can't see the road when the inside light is on. Noah is not happy with my decision and keeps asking over and over...

Noah: Mom pleeeeeeeease turn the light on, I can't see (repeat many times)

Meghan: (firmly) Noah, we are NOT turning the light on because I can't see the road with it on (also repeat many times).

Noah: I want it on cause I can't see

Meghan: Noah, it is dangerous to drive with the light on.

Noah: Will a police man give you a ticket?

Meghan: Yes, he could

Noah: Will he take you to jail?

Meghan: I guess he could if i don't follow directions. Jail is like timeout.

(long pause)

Noah: Then I will have to drive?

Meghan: (laughing) yes, then you would have to drive

(even longer pause)

Noah: (a very big sigh)..."well which one is the gas pedal?"

Happy Birthday Aimee!!!

Today is Aimee's 21st birthday!! Happy Birthday Aimee, we love you!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Jump Zone Fun

One thing about the cold weather is we get to make more visits to Jump Zone with our friends!! Yesterday, we met up with some of the girls in Noah's class and had some fun!

Madeline and Noah heading into the Mr Incredibles Jumping Castle...

Noah, Madeline, and Ella having a littl snack...

We can't wait for our next outing!!!

Merry-Go-Round fun

We made a trip to the mall the other night and Noah got to ride the merry-go-round with Allen!!