The Adventures Of Our Family!

Welcome to the fun happenings of our daily life!

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I wanted to post these pictures on Friday but couldn't find them until today. These are just a few pictures from our wedding day! I loved our wedding, everything single thing about it...well almost everything, but the saddest thing about the day (and i didn't know it then) was it was the last time I saw my grandma Theresa alive. Had I known that would be the last day, I would have hugged her one more time before heading to our honeymoon. But I pray for her everyday and think of her all the time! And now for a just a few pictures...

Allen and I on our way out.... My brother and I dancing....

My mom, grandma T, Nancy, and I at the bridal lunch!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Coordinating Colors...

check out the coordination...and we didn't even plan it!!
And I took this cute picture of Barrett and Aimee and since I know Barrett reads my blog more than anyone...this one is for you!

5 years...

Last night Allen and I celebrated our anniversary with some yummy Japanese food and a movie.

We had a blast!! And if you haven't seen the new Night of the Museum movie yet...go see is great!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Great Minds Think Alike...

Tomorrow is the 5th anniversary of Allen and I being married. A part of me can't believe it has already been 5 years and an even bigger part of me can't remember life before marriage. I mean of course i remember it but it feels like Allen and I have been married much longer than 5 short years. It has been great! Of course we had some harder days than others but I can honestly say I love being married to Allen. It's been a really great 5 year sleepover so far!

It's so funny to look at married people and see how they "blend" together. I married into being an Orlando Magic fan, Allen married into the world of Rummy card playing, I married into Poker, Allen has now seen "It's A Wonderful Life" way too many times. Eventually the two just blend together and you can't remember who started out liking what first.

I am usually very good about anniversary/birthday/father's day/valentine etc gifts and usually have them weeks in advance. This past month has been kind of crazy and althout i knew I wanted to get Allen something from Old Navy, I just haven't had the time to actually go get it. For the past few days I have had it planned that after Noah and I went to the zoo today, we would stop by Old Navy and get Allen's present. I was actually putting it off because i knew I would have Noah with me all week and that he might spill the beans. I was coaching Noah the whole way over of how we were going to buy daddy a special present and that it would be a secret until tomorrow when he would open it. I was coaching him about it as we were walking in the Old Navy door when I look up and the first person I see in the store is non other than....Allen!! He was there buying me a gift!! I guess great minds think alike huh??

Allen also surprised me by planning a night out tomorrow. Allen did some research a few weeks ago about traditional gifts for the 5th anniversary and he found that the traditional wedding gift for 5 years is wood and the modern gift for 5 years is silverware. It kind of became this running joke between the 2 of us because i don't need (or want) a 2X4 and i love our silverware. Well, Allen wanted to incorporate both of those so he made me guess what he was up to and i finally figured out we are going to eat with chop sticks (hence the wood and silverware) tomorrow night at my favorite Japenese Resturant!! How fun is that?? I thought it was so special of him to do that! Thanks Allen, I love you!!!

We Belong in the zoo!

Our zoo family membership has already paid off! Today we went with some of our friends (and certainly missed those who couldn't make it).
Noah and I rode with Bonnie, Madeline, and Patrick and met up later with Dana, Aiden, and Ashton. Here's Noah and Madeline with the flamingos.

The smelly elephants...

awe, such good friends!!!

We love the new parakeet exhibit!

Miss Bonnie, Madeline, and Patrick liked feeding the birds!

so did Noah...

how cute is patrick??

Noah and I in front of the giraffes, and zebras...

the crazy kids!

my little lion...

and the beautiful lioness...

We sure missed those Parker's but thought of them in this picture...hehehe.

check out the size of this gorilla...HUGE!

Aiden, Noah, and Madeline after lunch!

check out the boys in front of the cute!!

how cute are the kids???

Dana and baby Ashton....

Patrick zonked out....

and i think Noah could have too....

what a fun day at the zoo!!! Next Time our friends The Parker's and the Stafford's need to join us too!! We missed them!!!


Okay if you are a faithful reader of my blog you know I like to brag about Noah and today is no exception! Allen and I signed him up for swim lessons this summer and Wednesday was his first lesson. There are 2 other kids in the class and they are brothers ages 4 and 5 1/2. Noah was a champ!!! He did everything the instructor asked with no fear or hesitation. In fact, only having Noah and no other kids to compare him to, I just get used to him having "no fear" at anything and don't often realize that most kids actually have fear. I wasn't sure which class to put him in because he hasn't ever had any actual lessons but the end of last summer he was swimming on his own short distances without any floaties. The instructor was very helpful and helped me sign Noah up for the right class. It is a beginner class but for kids who are willing to "jump right in" (pun intended). Noah was the only one in his class who swam half the length of the pool without any help or floaties AND he floated on his back staying afloat for quite some time without help! Way to go Noah!!

I was really impressed with this instructor! He was firm with them and yet very gentle.

Here he is right before the instructor let go and let him float...

Noah's favorite part was jumping in. They were practicing jumping in and jumping away from the side. I had to laugh (and so did the instructor) because Noah jumped right over him!!

Finally the instructor moved back. What a great time, I can't wait to see what they do next week!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Superman strikes again.

This is how Noah ran errands with me today. I called the doctor for a check up with his nose congestion and on the way we ran some errands...

And to our surprise, Noah has strep again!!!!! I couldn't believe it! Luckily he is on meds and won't be contagious after tomorrow afternoon so we are still a go for our zoo trip with our friends on Thursday!! I told Noah he has to take it easy today so he is laying in his favorite spot watching cartoons...

I am already a step ahead of myself too...I called my doctor and asked him to call me in some meds...just in case!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Christmas in May!!

I am SOOOO excited!! For my birthday and Christmas I wanted to redo our bedroom and it is FINALLY coming together!! My Mr handyman husband put up the curtains today and i LOVE them!!! The pictures don't do them justice but hopefully you can get the idea.

I love this picture. It was up in the guest room in the house i grew up in and I love that it is in Allen and I's room now!!

Can you see the theme in our room??

This is my favorite wall though...

and i thought i would throw this one in is a picture of me when i was close to the age Noah is now.