The Adventures Of Our Family!

Welcome to the fun happenings of our daily life!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Chuck E Cheese playdate

This past week we met up with our friends at Chuck E Cheese for a little fun! Unfortunatly, Noah's little friend Madeline was not too excited about "The Giant Mouse" so they went home a little early. We missed them and our next playdate will have to be at a "non Mouse" place! Noah and Ella stayed and played some games and ate some pizza.

They have this really cute blue screen thing where the kids can be on tv!! I tried to take a picture of the tv with them on it... Here's the blue screen...and Noah and Ella having fun rolling around...

another tv shot....what movie starts we have!!!

Here's Ella's little sister, Alice....she is a cutie!!!

Noah enjoyed (and really beat me of course) at this Dino video game. In my defense, i think my buttons were not working!!

Ella and Noah played some ski ball...and of course Kate and I played too!!

check out that arm...hehe

Noah and I having some pizza!!

Kate and Ella...such cuties!!

my goofball...

Ella and Noah...great pals!!

Noah and Chuck!!

The Wildcats!!

We signed Noah up for a real soccer team this year. They have practices once a week and games on Saturdays. Last week they had their first practice and Noah did great!! He is by far the fastest on his team. Here he is before heading out to practice... check out his super cool moves....

Coach Greg does a great job with them. Here they are kicking back and forth with their teammates...

Noah wanted to be the goalie but in this league they don't have goalies and they don't keep score. Although Noah told me he is going to win all of his games.

Go Wildcats!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Trip to the mall...

last night Noah and I met Allen at the mall for dinner. We took a little ride on the merry-go-round... Noah and Allen enjoyed some ice cream...

Fat Tuesday

Today Noah and I celebrated Fat Tuesday!! Noah got a special treat...some candy.... this picture is for Elizabeth ....see Noah does own pants!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

the greatest compliment ever

Today one of the teens in my youth ministry program asked me what the greatest compliment I have ever received was and I answered without having to think long and hard about it. I thought I would share it... Sometime soon after Allen and I were engaged I think i was having a bad day and asked Allen why he wanted to marry me. Among the many reasons he listed, he said I was the only person he has EVER dated that he wanted to be the mother of his children. He has said it again several times in our marriage and it is by far the greatest compliment!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

My Rock Star!

I am finally feeling back to (somewhat) normal so I decided to go to work today. Noah goes to school where I work and I have mentioned before that i love our car rides into work/school. I love the conversations that arise some mornings but I also love mornings like today where we listen to music. Noah asked me to turn on my ipod so he could hear some music. Just so you know, I have spent many dollars on itunes downloading kid songs on my ipod. I have everything from the Wiggles to the Hokey Pokey. Although i have gotten my moneys worth on kid songs, most of the time (almost 100% of the time actually) Noah wants something with more drums. So this morning I started with one of our favorites "In the Secret" by Andy Park (not my favorite version of the song). Noah told me he wanted MORE drums so we moved on to Third Day. Noah was very pleased with my choice and I had to laugh because as Noah and I were playing air guitar and air drums with our heads bouncing to the beat, i wondered to myself if there were other moms with 3 year olds doing the same thing. I mean Old macdonald and the Itsy Bitsy spider are fun but this morning we were rock stars!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tool Time!!

I have quite the handyman around my house...

My sailor...

After Nap, Noah found my "step" and turned in into a boat. Allen and I just laughed out loud the whole time we were watching this....Noah took forever to get himself in between my step equipment and then pretended he was a boat moving himself across the kitchen floor. It was so funny!

Nap Time

The other day i went in to wake Noah up from his nap to find him like this...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fever City

Well I caught what Noah had but I got it worse!! Thank goodness Noah was only sick for a day and a half before he was pretty much back to normal with just a small cold. Me on the other hand....I have had a fever now for almost 48 hours, I have NO energy whatsoever, have a dumb little cough, I can't breathe out of my nose, this morning (i thought would be the turning point to feeling better) I woke up with a rash on my left arm and left leg and my tounge swollen making it really hard to eat anything!!! The doc said i am contagious for the next 48 hours so I have been confined to my house... Not that I have the energy to leave to do anything fun.

Thank goodness Allen has been a HUGE help!! He is taking care of Noah so i can get some rest, he is making dinner, and last night he rubbed my shoulders because my body is so sore and achy!! I really hope he doesn't get it (although I don't see how that is possible!).

Alright, just checking in....please pray for the Austin household until this bug is out of our hair for good!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

feeling better...

Noah is finally feeling better....

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I have very fond memories of Valentine's Day growing up. My mom would always have a little something waiting for me on the kitchen table when I woke up. Even in college, she would send me Valentine care packages and I loved them!!! I always felt very loved!! I want to do the same for Noah. Since Noah was sick yesterday and didn't get to go to school for his Valentine party, we celebrated it a little early. This present was waiting for Noah...
Allen and I decided to join in the fun and give each other our gifts too...

Noah was very excited to see what was inside...

Yay!! It was a "Little People" boat for the bathtub. Noah is very into his "Little People" these days and there is this one video he likes that has the boat in it so he was super excited when he got it!!

Noah also helped me make Apple Cinnamon muffins in the shapes of trucks. My BFF Lisa gave me a truck mold for Christmas a few years ago and it has turned out to be one of the best presents ever!! We make all kinds of things in the shape of trucks and it is great!!!

And tasty too...

Noah enjoyed playing with his boat in the living room before he got a bath...

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Out with the old, in with the new...

My mom is getting a new washer and dryer and we are getting her old ones. We sold ours on Craigslist yesterday and thank goodness Josh came over to help Allen move our washer and dryer downstairs so the guy could come pick them up.


Although I am not found of cats, i think this one is mighty cute!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

My Boys...

Noah caught a bug the past few days and has a high fever and runny nose. The first day he didn't do much except sit on the couch and watch least he had a good buddy with him!!

Clean Up, Clean Up...

The other night at our Lost party, We were all in different groups talking and eating and i looked behind me to find dear Tish cleaning out my pantry!! She was on her hand and knees digging through my very unorganized Tupperware cabinet. I snuck around to grab my camera and everyone started wondering what I was doing so they stopped talking to take a look. Thanks Tish for cleaning out the cabinet!! It just goes to show that everyone truely is at home in our house!! Thanks goodness for good friends!!

I caught this picture of her right when she looked at me. I think she must be thinking "what is this that I am holding and why is it with the tupperware?" Don't worry, Tish, I am thinking the same thing!! She looked behind her to see everyone looking at her and she busted out laughing...

I would too if you turned around and saw this group staring...

But look at the finished product!! Thanks Tish!!! Next time you come, maybe you can do our closet!! hehe